Smells Like Teen Spirit

I'm not a huge fan of double denim, but every now and than I come over all 90's and want to mix it up. I have had these acid wash jeggings for a few years and I love them, they feel like tights and are my 'can't be bothered' jeans (jeggings) you know what I mean. As I have said in other posts, I'm going to be dip dying my hair. 

 Denim shirt: Primark 
Jeggings: Clothing at Tesco
Top: Topshop via Charity shop
Hand brooch: D.I.Y, Ring: H&M, Necklace: old

So the other night I decided to dye my roots and try to bleach the ends at the same time, big fat fail as you can see. I missed well half my hair and it come out red and brassy, as I didn't mix it well and also bleached over dye. Oh I final used my sugar skull nail wraps, I'm getting better at applying them so they look alright, they were a £1 off eBay anyway so if you mess them up it's fine.

Anyway I actual kinda like it (the grunge gal in me), and I will use toner to take away the brassy tone as I need a blank canvas for the colour. I'm going to bleach it again soon to put in my colour (it's a surprise), but I'm taking my time as I know dying over dye is a lengthy process. For now I will embrace my red brassy bits and dance around the living room to Nirvana, hope you had a great weekend.


  1. Your nails are fab lovely.

    Eda ♥

  2. I weirdly really like the brassy streaks xD awesome :)


  3. I love double denim! love your jeggings xx

  4. I quite like the colour of your dip dye now! There could be worst colours for a first stage dip dye, that's for sure!

  5. well I like your hair! I'm too scared to tamper with mine in case it falls out, ha.
    Double denim can be pulled off if you have the right amount of attitude. I think It looks great on you. Plus those boots are fab :)

  6. I'm loving the grungy look on you, and I think your hair looks great.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. THIS IS SO RAD! I saw in you're bio that you are a mom, coolest, ever.

  9. Btw I meant rad Canadian Suit hah


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