Litas & The Jumper Dress

I'm not a huge fan of the jumper dress, I think it's one of those items of clothing that has to be styled within a inch of it's life. Barry picked this one up for me from a local market, I think the colour is great with my skin tone and it has polka dots so it's a won me over. I wasn't doing a lot today( apart from picking up my new glasses, will show you soon) so decided to road test my fake 'Litas'. They are so chic and I love that they give us short girls a bit of leg. I did a huge tidy up the other day and found my hat box, in it were hats I forgot I had like my Miss Selfridges trilby. It's been forever since I have worn it, so I'm sorry if you start seeing it in every outfit post but I loves it. Do you like jumper dresses? 

Jumper: Gift from Barry
Belt: Vintage
Necklace: H&M
Hat: Miss Selfridges
Shoes: EBay
My giveaway (the fox bag) will go live once I get to 1000 readers as it's been a long road and I want to say a huge thank you to all of you for your support. I still can't believe how far this blog has come, I'm so grateful to you I love reading comments and blogging has really opened up a whole other world for me. I have made such good friends through blogging, and it's made life a little easier as a full time mum to have my blog as an outlet. Also I need you lot to vote (simple leave a comment) for which outfit you prefer on the dress me up post, 1,2, or 3? Please let me know.


  1. Heeeey! :D I'm so glad to hear from you. Oh, you know me. Every once in a while I just disappear, god knows why... :D

    But I'm so glad to be back right now. :) I really missed all of you my fellow bloggers. How have you been? How is it with the new baby? :)) God, you look amazing, last time I was on the internet you were pregnant, still. I love your electric blue sweater. It's great to see some mixing up with the leopard print belt and the hat is beautiful. :)

    Oh, for your Dress Me Up post...I love that third look a lot. :)

    Hope you have a great day, lots of love from me and I'll be hearing from you on Twitter as well. :) xxx

  2. Ahh you look so gorgeous!! LOVE that jumper dress!
    Have been so behind but just been stalking your posts, how adorable is little Logan! What a babe.
    I hope I manage to be as stylish as you do when I have two little nippers to tend to, you're an inspiration! ;)
    LOVE the outfit with the cat t-shirt, too <3
    Hope to see you soon! xxxx

  3. You totally rocked the outfit. Like an awesome tribute to the 80's, love it.

  4. that jumper dress is freaking AMAZING!

  5. Oh wow, I love this dress... you look fantastic!

  6. That dress looks so good on you! I'm not a big fan of jumper dresses but that one was pretty cool!

  7. Oh my you really are a yummy mummy! You look absolutely fab and the outfit is beautt! Hope you're well xx

  8. Love this :) You look gorgeous, the hat and the shoes are AMAZING XX

  9. Amazing outfit! Loving it...


Thank you for your comments, I really do love hearing from you x