Charity Shop Haul

I made this haul video a little while ago, I'm getting back into making my Youtube videos again. There not the best, but I enjoy them and I love to see other peoples. So if you have a Youtube channel and have hauls etc please leave me a link in the comments they are my guilty pleasure. Anyway here is my charity shop haul, I have more to show you as I went on another trip there the other day (so much for having a break from them oh well).

Chocolate on cheeks: Corben's own
Corben's top: Primark 
My Top: H&M
Necklace: Primark
I don't know why the sound is so tinny, I am sorry I know it's rubbish. Will double check it next time, drives me mad anyway hope you enjoy the video. I have also given Corben a haircut since this video, I like it long on him but got fed up of people thinking he was a girl, poor thing. What have you been buying?

1 comment

  1. Aw this is so cute! "I got tooot! GO AND GET IT"
    My sisters baby gets mistaken for a girl a lot of the time too, he's almost two and has long curly blonde locks and huge blue eyes.
    oh and as if you got topshop strews for 3.50! I need to start venturing into charity shops more often, whenever I do I just seem to find a gazillion smokers jackets : / You've inspired me to make a new video tomorrow, I do have a youtube but always cringe at myself so end up removing the videos! Think there's still one on there so its if you want to have a look?



Thank you for your comments, I really do love hearing from you x