Ballet Pumps & Soldiers

As any good mother knows, when running around after your kiddie winks as wonderful as heels are they are just not practical for every day wear, unless your a celeb and have an army of people to help you with the buggy. So for most flats are our best friends, my flat of choice has got to be the Ballet pump. Made uber chic by kate Moss, Amy Winehouse and the rest the ballet pump has now become a classic footwear choice. 

I love them for a couple of reasons, they feel like slippers and I think make my feet look smaller (I know they don't, but they some how make them look  a little more dainty at least). My current favourite pair are from New Look, I love them so much that I have them in green too they come in more colours which I'm sure by the end of the month I will add to my collection. I think they can make an otherwise felt and casual outfit, look a little more sharp and that makes them my best friend. These ones cost just £7.99, which unlike a lot of my heels which usual cost a kidney (apart from my bargain pairs) are a total steal.

Scarf: Vintage
Top & Belt: Primark
Jeans: Topshop, Pumps: New Look
Necklace: Accessorize

Anyway trying to get some D.I.Y projects on the go, but it's been really busy not with anything exciting just trying to get every day things done to be honest. How cute is this Primark top, I love the soldier print it was only £4.00 they have the same style in other prints which I also need to go get. But yeah love my pumps, they are a lifesaver. What's your go to shoe? Do you choose comfort over style when it comes to shoes?


  1. Your top is lovely Law! Lookin' pretty as ever (: Found a random little photo of us all crammed into a photobooth earlier btw, posted on my Facebook page if you want to have a look! :P Hope you and the boys are well! xx

  2. Erm....hello tiny skinny woman who only had a child a short while ago!!! You could teach those celebs a thing or two about post-baby bodies! You look awesome!

    Love those skinny jeans on you and that top is fantastic! I literally cannot express how much I love this outfit on you! Definitely my favourite so far :) (not that you don't always look wonderful!)


  3. Pumps are great for long walks, shopping and everything. I also love them and cannot believe how I lived without them (or anyone else for that matter).

    I love the Primark tee - I was going to buy it, but in the end went for the white one with black spots and the mint-pink leopard print. I love them! And now when I see your styling with the soldiers, I think I'll give in and buy this one too. ;)

    P.S. You look LOVELY and fit! I would never, ever say you've given birth recently! X

  4. Laur you look amazing!! Xxx

  5. love this outfit. so happy I found your blog. totally following. can't wait to read more. if you get a sec, I'd love if you'd check out mine. It's all about the adventures of a small town girl taking on the LA fashion scene. xo

  6. super cute top! love navy and red! xx

  7. Love the shoes, I`m very much a comfy shoe girl. At £8 thats a bargin.

    Love the whole outfit, has a late 1950's feel to me.

  8. love the way you've styled this and picked out the red and matched it to your flats and hair tie. I've actually just scheduled a post for later wearing them same top! It's so cute!

    Also just feel the need to say you look AMAZING and you'd never guess that you'd only given birth a short while ago! :) xx

  9. I pretty much live in ballet pumps, especially in the summer. Love the top too, I wouldn't have guessed it was Primark! x

  10. Love love love the outfit :) the red flat are so Hot :)

  11. i believe you are what teenage boys would call a 'milf' darling! flipping stunning x

  12. Aw that necklace is so cute, and the soldier pattern is so unusual. Casual but very classy outfit :) xx

  13. I am going to make sure I start wearing a scarf in my hair again!

  14. love these photos you look fantastic. the blue in the dress is so good.

    Evening Sandal

  15. You look beautiful in this outfit and your red flats are awesome. Ballerina flats


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