Armed Police and Barry M

This is just a quick post as I have been really busy, here is the Barry M haul I promised. I will be back to doing post's everyday next week, it's just been one of those week's were everyone is ill, I also have my son's first birthday to sort out. Today was fun, we had armed police just in front of where I live because some fool had a gun. The police tazer him and that was that, than me and the family went to a music festival (I will post picture's tomorrow) and had a lovely evening. I hope you are all well. Thank you for all your lovely comments and support, you lot are amazing and I'm so glad to have you as blog bud's. Hope you had a great weekend. What did you do? xxx Caught up with you soon xxx


  1. heyyyyy

    i haven't got time to watch the next installment of your vlog but will watch tomorrow or tuesday for sure. just wanted to say thanks for the comments on the interview, i've worked for TFN since september so i'm always writing and stuff for them. i did know who he was before the interview, don't think i said i didn't. his names been buzzing around for years hasn't it. i know my womenwear too you know! anyway, taraa for now

  2. the weekends over babes. hahaha


  3. ALSO i am just about to listen to this vlog so don't think I'm ignoring it!! xx

  4. haha I meant did you have a good one?
    Any how thank you guy's and let me know if it's shit xx

  5. Love your video and you look so gorgeous in your v-log!

  6. Ohh I shall watch your vlog :D and thanks for the comment my dress is from primark £7.50 by the way :D <3 Sarah...0x

  7. Sounds like your weekend was a little more eventful than mine - i had a friends bday and then spent the sunday in bed. bliss!

  8. love you v-log - you look absolutely amazing!

  9. love your pic.'s
    visit my blog and let me know what you think. follow me if you like :)

  10. I'm obsessed with Barry M!! Love the colour of yours, although I am partial to the neon pink one I have :p

  11. Just wanted to let you know today is the last day to enter my giveaway for 6 mac products



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