The #fbloggers Hashtag Is Born

So as you all known on Twitter the #bbloggers is for the beauty blogs (hello my dears), but after always feeling like us Fashion lovers should have our own hashtag I finally braved it. I'm so glad I did, it seems you have all been waiting for this to happen, and there I was just thinking I was crazy that people would want to chat about any more fashion. So if you are on twitter than come join the #fbloggers  (fashion bloggers) all are welcome, (lifestyle etc...) and it doesn't mean you can't chat on both the beauty and the fashion one.

My face on twitter, came say hi

So when will it happen?
Wednesday and Sunday, why? So that peeps who are working full time get to come chat too. 

What's it for?
To discuss anything fashion related, we will all put in ideas and than a topic will be chosen to discuss. (just tweet me with your idea for a topic)

What time? 
You can join in at any point there are no rules. Okay so both time's have changed,  it will now start from 7.00pm so that everyone can enjoy the summer days. (it use to be 1.00pm)

So in different time zones it's:
GMT: 7.00pm
PST: 11.00 am
PDT: 1.00 am (yeah sorry)

So please tweet me @Law1sfab with the first topics for this Sundays chat, I will let you know what topic we will discuss before. So spread the word. Plus can't believe it's trending OMG !!!!


  1. I always feel weird when chatting on bbloggers. I sometimes join in but i know nothing about beauty, so i only feel comfortable when the topic is photography, or something like that! Can't wait for fblogger to start, such a good idea, Law! xxx

  2. I love that picture of you. Your shirt is adorable.


  3. Aww thank you Sarah, I know sometimes it's nice to talk more about fashion.

    Thanks April your too kind x

  4. This is really exciting, I can't wait to get involved in the conversations =D I've already found some lovely new bloggers through the hash tag =D

  5. oh yay, i've always seen the #bbloggers, but wondered why there isn't a #fbloggers! well pleased that you've set this up and i totally hope to be nattering along with you!
    i'm @RachelTheHat

  6. Great idea Law, looking forward to the chats and getting to know other bloggers :)

    Diana xxx

  7. Very good idea Missy - I wanna do the PR subject I suggested! xx

    South Molton St Style

  8. Great idea Law, looking forward to joining in :)

  9. So excited for this to get going properly (: I always feel like I'm barging in on the #bbloggers chat, but like to put my two cents in if the topic is relevant! xx

  10. Awesome! Can't wait. Thank you lovely lady :)

  11. Aw this is such a good idea, especially for having it on two day's so everyone can join in :)

  12. I've never partaken in #bblogger but I'm looking forward to this : ) x

  13. Great idea, can't wait to get involved with the discussions!

    Caroline x
    Caroline's Catwalk

  14. Yaaay! So glad this has begun! Thankyou for doing this! xxx

  15. wow...i feel really awkward now :L i never knew bbloggers was for beauty!! im always posting about my blog on there... no wonder no one ever looks at it :L. thank you so much for doing this looking forward to chatting with everyone on sunday eve!

  16. looking forward to fbloggers sundayyy x

  17. We are so happy you've done this, can't wait to get involved!
    JS xx


Thank you for your comments, I really do love hearing from you x