
I love this jumper, its from New Look and was on sale so I had even more reason to buy it. So this weekend we celebrate St Patrick's day and mothers day, yeah thanks card companies.  Saying that St Patrick was a saint ( so not invented by the card companies) but still it seems that every month your buying a card for some rubbish day celebration. Sorry I should be more jolly, considering I'm a mother and most of my family are Irish but do we really need 'days' life is far better if you always tell your mum you love her etc... 
Okay so enough of me moaning, and let's talk about other things so who is going to try my D.I.Y Dye project this weekend? If you do please leave me a link and I will add it to the post.

I think this weekend I'm going to take my mum for some tea and cake, as she has been so amazing with the kids. Also I'm going to try and do some home improvements, as winning the lottery and moving into a studio apartment by Southbank doesn't look likely. I really want to buy some old frames and paint them, as I want to put up some photos of Logan who's now 7 weeks old. Plus update the ones of Corben, who is now camera shy so photos of the back of his head it is than.

 Jumper & Top: New Look
Jeans: River Island
Necklace: Birthday gift
Rings: EBay& Primark
Grey streak my own :(

Really want to wear my Killah jacket, but the weather here in London is so mental you leave the house in a huge jacket with shorts underneath because it goes from being windy cold to sweaty hot! Sorry moaning again, I'm looking forward to next week not sure why. I  hope that if its sunny, I can take the boys out more and tick off things on my forever growing 'to do' list. 

1 comment

  1. i really like that jumper, Ive been looking for one similar but blue and white x


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