Date Night: X Men First Class & Giveaway Winner

I know I'm not in front of an X Men poster but someone has stolen it !
Shirt: H&M
Skirt: H&M
Tights Tabio
Shoes & Bag: Primark

Hey so sorry I have not blogged in forever, it's been a busy week and it I have not had a chance to get to my computer. You may have even noticed that I haven't even been on twitter, I know me not tweeting what's the world coming too. Had a great weekend as me and Barry got a babysitter for Corben so we could finally go and see X Men First Class (which you have to see!), I'm a totally nerd when it comes to X Men and I was so glad to see it was similar to the comic. Some times it's painful to see something you love made into an awful film, so I was so happy I would say it's actual the best one. I wore my pretty H&M blouse today and my Tabio stocking tights, which I love but I'm finding it hard to fit 
into most of my clothing already! I feel frumpy anyway back to the film .....

One thing I love about X Men was the attention to makeup, I think in some films that can let it down. Mystique has full body makeup and they nailed it, I think if the makeup had been shoddy you would not be able to understand Raven's struggle with herself because you wouldn't believe it. The cast were superb and pulled you deeper into the story, as with the comics X Men always had the message about 'excepting yourself' the action will have younger fans hooked too. Their is plenty of eye candy for both male and Female viewers, I always loved that X Men had just as many kick ass women as they did men even if they do all wear next to nothing. All I can say is bring on the next one please !!

(Quick note I will be at Comic Con next weekend, so I will post all the cool things going on)  
I will put my new scan picture up soon, baby is fine and is growing well and was moving around like mad. So now I'm past 12wks it's really exciting, because on my next scan I will know if we are having a girl or a boy.

The Winner of the Summer Lovin Giveaway is Kat, thank you to everyone who entered I have another giveaway soon.

Kat said her Summer Love is:

'This is so lovely of you, and a double congratulations on the baby news! How exciting!

                         My current summer love are Gladiator Sandals mixed with Crackle Nail Polished Toes!'

So I hope you had a fab weekend, and I have some reviews and style files I'm working that I will post soon. My sickness has calmed down so I'm able to do more, as I have really missed not being able to blog as much as I want.


  1. Love the outfit. You look awesome!! Love it.
    I dont want the x-men movies but the makeup is awesome. Can you imagine doing the makeup for movies like that? So cool.

  2. i've been getting into comics of late, just got some 80s spiderman comics on ebay

  3. XMEN IS AWESOME and love your tights



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