Do You Ever Really Need A Selfie Stick?

Monopod bluetooth selfie stick: Case Hut*

Like most of the more cynical trend avoiding people, I assumed that the reason selfie sticks had not become popular here in the U.K is that (I would hope) were a little less vain, and that having a stick to just capture your own face was a step too far. But how I had to eat my words, it maybe called a selfie stick -Selfie as in pout for hours getting that angle were your face actual looks attractive and posting it on Instagram. However this stick which is actual a monopod with bluetooth, can be used for more than just a 'please like my face' snap - I joke by the way, I mean come on we're all guilty of a selfie or two. I guess we are generation share, people will knock the selfie stick but I'm sure these are people who have not actual tried it yet. 

It's so easy to use, this little fella can stretch twice as much as arms length (unless you have freakish long arms) so great for me and others who's arms just can't take the 'let's get a group shot selfie'. I like that it's pretty lightweight, and when it's pushed down it fits nicely in my bag. You can take most smartphones and the top adjusts to it's size, slide it in and the orange bit keeps it in place. Make sure to pop on your bluetooth on your phone first and than switch your stick on at the bottom (remember to make sure you have charged it or it could get awkward waiting for it to take the photo). Than you can adjust your phone to the face more in or outward, and stretch out your pole- The button is at the side, and than it's time to start snapping bringing me more to my point of why these are so handle. 

Be A Tourist- I've lived in London all my life, and I still find things I would like to take a photo of but possible with me in them. It's great to have a photo of something, a cool building, a boat, dancing animals but nowadays with photoshop etc it's nice to have proof that's it's really yours. Yep I was there, stood there, yep right next to it I may have even touched it a little. But if no one is around to take it for you, it can really suck. I like when it's something random like street art, or a cheesy tourist shot and it's nice to look back on. It will still work if your an actual tourist, and I'm pretty sure if I do travel anytime soon it will come with me. 

Selfie/Group Selfie- Okay this is a given. With practise rather than having to do the old mirror selfies, you can use this to take pouty shots alone or if your lucky enough to know anyone you can take snaps of you all. I don't even care I will be taking this to fashion week to goof it up with my friends, and get some snaps of us on the cobbles -See this goes back to being a tourist too. But honestly, if your at a party, you no longer have to grab some random, to ask them to take a photo that will probably be blurry with heads cut out. You can take as many as you like, and with a little luck you will have one where everyone looks amazing and a photo to treasure .

Up Above- As a blogger I really love the above shots, it can be food, makeup,  the from where I stand outfit snap. But this can work for way more, it's all about where you are and how creative you want to be. I've seen some where people have been in a high building, on a bridge or in water and taken some really cool and interesting shots. It's great for if your too short to get a shot of something far away for example at a gig, just extend it up and you can get that snap while everyone else does the arm stretch. I've started to practise with mine to get the perfect table shots, as it looks amazing when done well. 

Extending out -Similar to above shots, getting a shot from beside you may be tricky. I know it sounds odd, but sometimes you will find your sat or stood somewhere and can't turn all the way around to get your photo. as the stick fully adjusts, it's great for being able to capture a shot of your seat from a plane, train in a packed cafe without having to pull a muscle in your neck trying to turn and take it. I was with a friend the other day who wanted a photo of some flowers but there was a row of bars, I popped out my selfie stick and we careful stuck the phone through pushed the button and got the shot of flowers without the bars. Not groundbreaking I know but it can make a big difference in your photos. Just please if you try this make sure your phone is secure. 

Don't forget videoWhy limit yourself to just photos, why not try video instead. These are great for anyone thinking of starting vlogging. Again it's simple to set up and use and you can get the whole of you in, rather than just your face. You can apply all the tricks to video as you would a photo. 

So yes I've fallen victim to the photographic goodness of the selfies stick. No I'm not even sorry. I don't think they are about vanity, I think like anything it's up to the user. You decide what you want to take photos of, and I think there is lots of potential in them to capture something really amazing. What do you think about selfie sticks? If you have one let me know what was the most creative shot you got with yours. I would love some to hear your thoughts. 


  1. I saw a lot of these in Japan and I do have to say it's good idea for "selfies" at tourist spots, but I'm still not sure if I can be converted just yet haha


  2. I had a selfie stick for Christmas and I love it. The thought behind it was so that I can take plenty of snaps of us and the baby when he/she makes their arrival. I've also been enjoying using it for group selfies :)

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

  3. the up above idea is pretty cool, i didn't think about that.

    Buckets & Spades

  4. I love it hubby got me one from Dubai it is a bless even if I dun use it that much thou

  5. I really have to get myself a selfie stick, I think they're great! I do agree with them being banned in venues though, it's probably not so safe sticking an expensive phone in the air on a stick in a crowd full of people haha! Rebecca // xx


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