The sun was pounding down, the music was blasting out and I had a pair of floral cat ears on my head this is LOVEBOX. This festival is different to others I have been to, first it's family friendly as there were lots of different tents, stands and rides. Also the fashion was relaxed but some how ultra cool, it's cool how people make more effort for festivals now back when I was younger it was a case of band t-shirt and jeans. Now festivals are a place to experiment and wear all those edgier pieces in your wardrobe. I think I planned mine why to much around the weather, but next time I'll go with the flow more.

As well as me and Lois -from Bunnipunch style spotting with the TK Maxx crew, we also were soaking up all the musical goodness in the form of Jess Glynne. This girl has thee most incredible voice and the crowd were going wild, not to mention her cool gold bomber jacket and sunnies. There was a buzz in the air and while it was extremely hot, people were still dancing and getting into the festival swing. Style wise it seemed that kimonos and head chains were a strong look for the girls and guys well they all seemed to be topless so I was happy to spot a couple of guys who had some snazzy outfits on.
I snapped these festival goers as they stood out and were more #mebyme than following any festival fashion guide. I like the 90s feel to a lot of their outfits, as being a teenager back than I pretty much spent my summers at them. The main tip I would give for the perfect festival outfit, is that if you feel good than wear it. Because really it's about having a good time with friends or family and enjoying live music.
Some of those outfits are amazing! as if you got to go to love box! i am very very jealous! xx