Models Own Beetle Juice Nail Polish - Pinky Brown

I have not shared any nail love for ages, usually I would have some nail art up or something. So one 'feeling sorry for myself' afternoon, I decided I couldn't resist the ASOS sale any more I logged on as soon as safari opened, and saw that Model Own was on sale! 

'Please' I thought 'Please have any one of the Beetle Juice collection', Baz my bloke as lovely as he is got me the smash up polishes for Christmas, when I actual said I'd like the Beetle ones. I was still happy, I mean it's Models Own, but my nails still crying for the other collection. 

Bless the nail gods as ASOS only have bloody the beetle juice trio collection on sale! It's everything people have said it was, I know you have seen this over a billion times but I don't even care! Pinky Brown beetle juice by Models Own is currently thee best nail colour I own, it's pink, golden, brown with a hint of red in certain light and shimmers like a dream. 

Applying wise- This is the result of three coats, but you could use it over a black or gold polish as a top coat too. It dries quickly so layering the colour doesn't take much time, and it doesn't chip easy- I'm on the fourth day in and it's still going strong.

To me this is the perfect a/w nail look, I think there is going to be so such detail in A/W trends that a simple rich colour on the nail will be perfect. In the trio you also get 'Golden Green' and 'Emerald Black', I adore them and think they were a utter bargain. I have seen some Polish on Models own's site, that I think I'm going to get next month they really are such a great make. Not too pricey, great colours and I find they don't chip as much as other brands.

Models Own Pinky Brown Beetle Juice polish- ASOS 


  1. what a wonderful colour, beautiful for Fall:)xx

  2. Can understand why you've wanted it for so long, that is a lovely polish colour! Xo

  3. I adoreee models own! Absolutely love this! Xx

  4. wow this colour vanrish is amazing! Gah wish i owned this!
    thank you for the comment on my diy- i love yours

  5. Ahh it's gorgeous, I have Kaleidoscope and Balearic Cool - this collection is definitely my next addition!

    I adore that collection and it looks perfect on
    Can't believe you managed to get it on sale too

  7. Such a pretty shade.Thanks for sharing Rachelle x


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