Buckle Up

Surprise, surprise another pair of shoes I hear you cry, but I got these when I was bed ridden before baby Logan decided he wanted out so they now (to me) are considered to be an very old purchase ... Okay yes it's still bad. These have everything I love in a shoe, or are they more of a boot well anyway they have buckles. I adore buckles I think it's the old me screaming to get out, as a former goth in my teens (yes a long, long time ago) I wore only things with buckles and straps. I also like that these are grey, as they are the only pair of grey shoes/boots I own.

Wedge Boots: EBay

Logan is still ill, so sorry if it's been a little quite around here, I will have some more outfit posts later this week. Took some the other day, only to discover they were on the wrong scale when editing so that was a great waste of time. Does that happen to you? It's so annoying, anyway hope you all had a great Easter. I need to do a haul post actual, because I have added a few new pieces to my summer wardrobe. Oh and I have another pair of shoes I have to show you (they are amazing!), I didn't buy them they were a gift from Barry (my bloke) I know I'm a lucky lady. 


  1. Love these boots! I had a goth phase years ago too lol :)
    xo Smitty

  2. wooooooows those boots are amazing!!!! and thanks for the lovely comment law! :)totally agree they are definitely a good and glamorous break from jeans!

    thanks for the comment on my blog,

  3. Love the boots :)

  4. Wow now those are some amazing boots!

    Emma x

  5. i hope Logan gets better! and i love the shoes!

  6. Ooh cute boots



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