You Will Need:
* A new/old canvas, you can have just one if you wish (I used two old ones, that I was never going to finish)
* Scissors
* An old shrunken jumper
* Chalk (this will be used to mark, so make sure it's visible on your fabric)
* Drawing pins & paper fasteners
* A butterfly, but you can change this if you wish (you can get them here off Ebay)
* Thread & needle (you can use glue, but it may be hard to change if you make a mistake)
I had all these things already, doing nothing and I have told myself I would get back into crafting and my D.I.Y stuff. So this is my first of my remake and reuse projects. I used this old jumper as it had shrink, so I could not give it to charity and I really did not want to waste the knit. I hope you enjoy this and it inspires you to use those old 'projects', to make some cool art work for your home.
Step 1:
Take the jumper and make sure it's larger than your canvas, certain fabric is better this one had a lot of stretch which is perfect. Once you have checked than cut off the arms (if it has any), and at the top and down the side. So you should have a panel of fabric.
Step 2:
Than stretch it over the canvas, make sure if your using something patterned that it lines up on the other side (that's why I used drawing pins, so you can adjust this as you can always glue it after). Pull the fabric in and over the back and pin it down, at the corner fold in the fabric as much as you can. Use as many as you need, and try and get it nice and flat or it won't hang right on the wall.
Step 3:
Once you have done this, they should look like the ones pictured above. I wanted the butterfly to look like it was flying across them, so I took the chalk and draw a swirl that run over both. Check the position of the butterfly to see what works best, than you can begin on the design. I used paper fasteners as they matched this fabric well, you could use studs etc... Take your scissors and just make a set of small holes along the chalk line, than you can begin pushing the paper fasteners through. Than you can start to fit them, you just need to push them flat. It can get tricky towards the edges, as the wood frame blocks you just push them out however you can so they don't move (you can use scissors, but be careful).
Now it's time to finish with the butterfly. Tack the butterfly into place with a drawing pin, I did this so I could bend the ends up and give the butterfly a more life like feel, plus it stops you having to hold it in place. Now sew your wings down, you only need a few stitches. I just sewed the top left wing and the bottom right wing, again so that the butterfly looked like it had landed. Use a wet wipe or a damp cloth just to remove the chalk line, and any dust marks etc ...
And there you have it, a piece of art work that was made with things laying around my house. Once I have painted our bedroom I'm going to hang them, I really want to try other ideas so if I make some more I will share with you. I have noticed even a simple design canvas on the high street can be pricey, so why not try making your own you don't have to be arty at all. I hope you enjoyed this and I have more D.I.Y's coming soon, I'm going to try and do one a week. Let me know if you try this .
actually love this!
ReplyDeleteWhy hasnt this got more comments?!?!
ReplyDeleteI'd never think of using those push pin thingys for something like this and I have a degree in crafts! haha