Feeling Green

My makeup

Makeup: Marina and the diamond's.

So I have seen green eye shadow every where at the moment I think it's a mini trend !! I love green and I have had my Nar's shadow for a little while and felt it needed some love, I was in a hurry so I did not really think about how I should wear it. I was in a tribal mood so I put on this top that I got and put on my heavy bead's ....I was in a 'fun' mood. I think everyone should have a 'fun' dress day, something you wear because it puts a smile on your face. I could not get my makeup as perfect as I wanted as my son kicked off and we had to be somewhere, but I think it's good for a 25 min job (that includes all my makeup). That's one thing people don't tell new mum's ' You will barley have time to pee, so forget looking nice and trying to eat or do anything else'. I blog in the evening as this is my 'me' time and it keeps me sane.

What I used:

Eyeshadow: Nar's
Foundation: Rimmel, Ivory
Blusher: Collection 2000
Eyeliner: Collection 2000
Top: Thrift
Necklace: Gift

New makeup buys:

I heart my new blusher it's collection 2000 and only cost £3:95, plus it's pretty.

Anyway back to clothing .............I will try and post my primark haul part 2 by the weekend ........


  1. Hello lady! Have only just got back on blogger, have missed it! Thanks for checking back even though I haven't been online, I see you have made quite a few changes... Like the new layout you cool kid you!

    Anyway, I'm gonna get back to blogging tomorrow I think, be a shame to just give up I think! Just gonna read your posts that I have missed out on! :)

    Paddy xxx

  2. i absolutely love your eye shadow! i love messing around with make-up, and it's an addiction right up there with shoes. aargh.


    p.s. thanks for your sweetness!


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