Rainicorn Dreams

Yellow Coat: Primark
Rainicorn Scarf: Present
Necklace: Tatty Devine
Bag: Old

Happy New year everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. I did but I've had a chesty cough, so not been up for doing much. But it's the start of the year and I'm trying to make an effort to start this year as I mean to go on, so I've had a massive clear out of junk. Got a planner so I don't have to sort a bunch of randomness in my brain, and trying my best to start saving more. I discovered my old Power Puff girls bag, which I got when I was a skater kid. I feel like this was my karma for getting rid of a heap of stuff that I no longer wear, and it maybe a kids lunch bag but I'm not letting that stop me from using as a bag again. I was a lucky gal this Christmas as I finally got my beloved Lady Rainicorn scarf from Adventure Time. Not only is it warm but it's a rainbow, a mother flippin rainbow/ unicorn! It also matches my lips dress perfectly, and just puts a smile on my face.

I also got a Crosley from Barry and the boys, which made me the happiest mum ever. I can finally play all my vinyl, most of which was my mum's from when she was growing up Bowie, Hendrix, Rod Stewart. So I plan on hitting the charity shops to expand my collection and see what I can thrift. It's my birthday next week, and Barry totally cracked and gave me my present early. He got me a new camera, so 2015 has already kicked 2014 butt. The most important thing really has been feeling better, as it's hard to enjoy anything when your ill. 


  1. Ah who cares if it's a lunch bag when it looks that cool eh? Loving the yellow coat!

  2. Your sense of style is SO individual I love it x

    Dandy Girl

  3. First thing I said when I saw this post on Bloglovin' is 'I HAVE THAT COAT!!!' lol that powerpuff lunch bag is just the cutest.

    Karma definitely rewarded you for clearing out your unwanted goods.

    Epiphannie A

  4. Happy New Year my dearest Law! <3 your yellow coat is FRIKKEN incredible, as are you. Wishing you and the Powerpuff Girls all the best for 2015 ^^

  5. AWHHHH i use to own that lunch bag! ur hair looks more amazing by the day. Great post


  6. Love this outfit! Definitely one to brighten up January with! x

  7. I know what you mean about getting rid of old stuff, especially as a lot of things I used to wear came back into fashion and I missed them dearly!

    You look amazing as always :D


  8. Oh my God!! That scarf! I'm so jealous! I love Adventure Time, LSP is my gurrrl.

    The Glitter Den


  9. I loooovvvee that coat. Such a bold colour to wear during the dull period and that bag!!


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