Marks & Spencer Shapewear Finder

For the first time EVER I'm posting a photo of me in undies, I loathe my body - After having my second child Logan, I cried in the changing room while buying new bras. So when I was asked by Marks & Spencer if I would like to road test the new shape wear finder, I was excited to see what I could suck in and crazy nerves about doing a real review. By real, I mean I wanted to show you and talk to you after trying it out. I've worn this twice so I could give you an idea of what to except. There's no point just trying it out, and being like 'it's great' so does the shapewear finder work, and does the shapewear make a difference ....

Perfect poise firm control panelled posture from M&S*
Finding the right one for me ....
There are six questions they ask you and you are given a list of options to choose from, these include what body type you are to help find which is going to be the best support. I like that there's a note when it comes to the size question, about being true to your size after all the shapewear should do the work, rather than squeezing your body into a size that clearly won't fit. So finding the right support couldn't be easier.

The perfect poise firm control panelled posture ...
So this was my result the perfect poise firm control panelled posture, I went for the nude as I have a lot of dresses that are light that I can't wear my black or bright underwear under. First impressions - it's easy to think that the only people using shapewear are women who are frumpy, and have no sense of style. In reality everyone is wearing it, yes even those A listers on the red carpet. This reminds me a little of underwear showgirls worn in the 40's under there glamorous dresses, of course without the pointed bra. It's a little tricky to put on, as it goes over your head so I would suggest putting your makeup on once you have it on for fear of clown face.

I could instantly feel the support in the back, and the bra hold my bust nicely without feeling like my boobies were being tapped. The tummy panel again sucked in my tummy without it being uncomfortable. The only negative I had was the snaps at the bottom, they were tricky to do up- So I found I spend more time in the loo, trying to get them to do up, not the best when you just want to go. I think if they changed them to snaps used on baby grows, these would be faster to do up and more comfortable. The hip section, cut in a little too which after an hour left me a little sore. If I had gone up a size, the bra  part would not have fit as well. So as much as I loved the top part, I think maybe the firm control anti cellulite waist and thigh cincher (look amazing) may have been better for me to try.

I think the shape wear finder will work for some, I think I had a half result as the top part of this bodysuit was perfect while the bottom let it down. Maybe there needs to be a few more questions in there, so that you end up with shape wear that works for your body shape. I hope that M&S will think about changing their snaps, as it would be perfect. My friend has their control pants and swears by them,  overall I would give it a 7/10. It was mainly just the bottom of this body that let it down, or I would have said 10. It did smooth out the bums and suck in my tummy, with great support for my bust and back. I'm not sure I would recommend this one, but I think there bras and control pants would work better as that way you avoid the square snaps, and the way it's cut on the hip.

Me wearing my tight batman dress that I usually look lumpy in.


  1. The shapewearlooks great! Your hair and makeup look amazinggggg xxxx

  2. Your eye makeup is awesome. What shadow/s are you wearing? Xo

  3. You look fab here, so glam with the hair & makeup! :)

  4. I think the top photo of you is AMAZING. i would love to try one of these suits but as you say, everyone is so different with their lumps and bumps in different places that it must be a tricky thing to get right. And the last time I bought stomach-sucking-in-pants, my boyfriend threw them out because he said I didn't need them. So it also shows you, we see our bodies in a different light from other people... x

  5. Very handy review, thanks :) Hannah x

  6. Go you for showing of your body (which is beautiful)
    I think I need some new shape wear I love the idea if it being tailored to my need :)

  7. You look ridiculously lovely! You're hair and make are beautiful!! xx

  8. it looks amaaazing! that batman dress is pretty fab too xx

  9. Your Batman dress is AMAZING! I've just started looking at shapewear to help my post baby belly so this was really useful! xoxo

  10. Aw,you shouldn't hate your body!I think you look lovely.Your arms are amazing,I think I'm a bit jealous.

  11. LOVE the batman dress on you x x

  12. Just discovered your blog - loving it!
    Ruth - Room31


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